216 Accountants B.V.

Den Haag, Netherlands

T 0031 (0) 88 995 52 16

W www.216.nl

Chartered Certifies Accountants/ Tax Lawyers/ Payroll services/ NBA (Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants) registered.

About 216 Accountants B.V.

At 216 we understand entrepreneurs’ needs for actual figures and KPIs, and we see this as the value add of accountancy in the future. Call it ‘always on accounting’, an interaction between entrepreneur and accountant in which both parties have the most up-to-date data on which they can advise and decide.

That’s why 216 chooses to commit to fully digitizing and automating the accounting process. This also means that booking inbound and outbound invoices are robotized at rule level where possible. This goes beyond the traditional scanning and recognition of a receipt.

In practice, this allows a 216 accountant to enrich hundreds of administrations per day, giving you daily insight into your financial position. Periodic checks are easily monitored via the Pulse application of Silverfin. Here questions regarding certain positions, such as reconciliation items, are communicated with you online.

We are serving a broad range of small- and medium sized companies on compliance, tax and advisory matters. 216 has also an extensive salary client portfolio. We are providing payroll services for as well small- and medium sized companies but also for large entities within The Netherlands.

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